The Christmas Eve of AC195 marked the end of the war between Earth and the Colonies, ushering in a new era of peace with the birth of the Earth Sphere United Nation. By AC196, the weapons used during the war had been abolished in the Earth Sphere. Nevertheless, as long as the human race exists, war and strife will never disappear completely...
Sally Po, now working for the Earth Sphere's peacekeeping forces known as the Preventers, discovered traces of Neo Titanium in space debris during her investigation. The costly alloy, developed by OZ scientists to counter the Gundams, was only used in the construction of space Mobile Suits.
Meanwhile, Duo Maxwell and Quatre Raberba Winner were making preparations to launch their Gundams into the sun inside a depleted resource satellite ready for disposal. They felt that the Gundams were no longer needed in a peaceful world and would bring grave danger if fallen into the wrong hands. Both Heero Yuy and Trowa Barton had sent their Gundams to Quatre to dispose of as he saw fit, but Chang Wufei refused to do so.
On the resource satellite MO-II, the last battlefield of the Eve War, a party was held to commemorate the end of the war. As the President of the Earth Sphere United Nation made a speech on the meaning of their hard-won peace, Lucrezia Noin and Lady Une, both working for the Preventers, looked on.
Noin contacted Sally, who told Noin of her discovery. A new type of Mobile Suits, which Sally referred to as the Thirteenth Constellation [1], was being secretly constructed.
Deputy Foreign Minister Relena Darlian was paying a visit to the X18999 colony of L3. The local representatives claimed that it was the colony's wish to have a strong leader like her. Relena expressed disappointment that the representatives only seemed interested in the good of their own colony. She suddenly felt dizzy and before losing consciousness, she noticed the smiling faces of the representatives. Her tea had been drugged. A group of soldiers soon burst in to take her into custody.
In a darkened room, an old man and a young girl watched the President's speech with a an ominous smile.
On an L3 colony, a circus was showing a lively performance, but the audience was surprisingly small. When a group of men tried to attack Trowa Barton outside the circus tent, he discovered that these men were sent by Barton Consortium. He remembered his days spent in a secret base where he helped in the construction of Gundam Heavyarms as a technician. The real Trowa Barton, the chosen Gundam pilot whose identity he assumed, showed him a picture of his niece, Mariemaia. The man claimed that his niece would be the ruler of Earth once Operation Meteor was completed.
Heero was checking for information on Mariemaia Barton at his computer when Duo appeared. As Heero prepared to leave for the L3 colony, he informed Duo that Relena had been abducted. Duo joked that Heero was infatuated with her.
Dekim Barton, head of the Barton Consortium, made a speech before Mariemaia's army. During the speech, he named Trowa a traitor who had infiltrated them. Trowa avoided Dekim's gunfire, jumped high into the air and landed before the old man. Before he could aim his gun at Dekim, Wufei stood between him and his target, and pointed his sword at him.
Noin and Sally made their way towards the L3 colony. Sally remarked that either an independence declaration or a war declaration would be aired in a few hours, and that Relena had been abducted.
Relena woke up in a luxuriously furnished room with a young girl. The girl, Mariemaia, calmly informed Relena that she was the one who ordered Relena's capture. She claimed to be the daughter of Treize Khushrenada, and made it clear that she intended to follow in her father's footsteps.
Heero and Duo were trying to reach the L3 colony as well. Heero dreamt of his encounter with a little girl and her dog after he finished planting explosives in a Federation base. The mission was part of his training in preparation for Operation Meteor. The girl asked if he was lost, and he replied that he had been lost all his life. The girl gave him a flower to cheer him up before she left. He waited until it was night when he detonated the explosives. The base and the Mobile Suits inside were destroyed. However, one of the MS collapsed towards the residential area outside the base, causing a chain explosion. Heero watched helplessly as the place where the little girl lived was reduced to rubbles. Heero wondered throughout the ruins of the are where [2], he came across the remains of the girl's dog.
Learning of Heero's reaction to the incident, Dekim Barton, the man behind Operation Meteor, ordered that Heero be trained out of his human feelings. Doctor J argued with Dekim without success, and reluctantly followed his order.
Duo woke Heero and informed him that Mariemaia was on TV. As the girl declared war on the Earth Sphere United Nation, the President phoned Lady Une, making accusations before hanging up. As Lady Une considered her options, a man appeared in her office. It was Zechs Merquise, a.k.a. Milliardo Peacecraft, presumed dead in the Eve War.
Noin and Sally detected a shuttle preparing to enter the defense line of the L3 colony. She warned the shuttle of the danger and was surprised to find Duo and Heero on it. Duo planned to cut straight through the defense line. The two Preventers decided to give them a hand in getting inside the colony.
Quatre blamed himself for sending the Gundams into the sun. He and the Maganacs raced against time to retrieve the Gundams.Heero and Duo crash landed and captured two Mobile Suits. They intended to destroy as many MS as possible, then get inside the colony and act as they see fit.
As Duo proceeded towards the inner part of the colony, a new type of MS attacked him. From the pilot's fighting style, Duo figured out that his attacker was Trowa. Meanwhile, Heero was confronted by Wufei in his Nataku Gundam
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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